The 5th Edition of The Do’s and Don’ts of Hypoglycemia includes highly informative results of a national survey conducted by the Hypoglycemia Support Foundation.
The 5th Edition of the Do’s and Don’ts of Hypoglycemia was recently featured in Healthy Aging Magazine!
Now (Kindle and Paperback formats) available on Amazon.Com.
Are you ready to learn…
How to recognize, understand and control hypoglycemia?
How diet, exercise and vitamins play a role in the healing process?
How hypoglycemia is affecting our children in epidemic proportions?
How hypoglycemia and alcoholism are correlated?
How hypoglycemia is a prelude to diabetes?
How my “Ask The Experts” chapter can save your life!
Then click on the image to left to order on Amazon!
Our 21st century lifestyle is causing so many diseases, with hypoglycemia being high on the list. Here is a book that explains in detail the relationship between diet and behavior, and important steps to recovery. It can be easily read with solid facts and simple suggestions. If followed, Roberta Ruggiero’s book can do wonders for not only people with hypoglycemia, but any blood sugar concern.”
Not only has Roberta written the book about low blood sugar, but she has lived it. She is a walking encyclopedia. You could call her ‘The Mother Theresa of Hypoglycemia.’ She has unselfishly helped millions. If you have any questions about low blood sugar, you need this book. I’m proud to join her in the ongoing crusade to educate the public about the dangers of sugar and hypoglycemia.